In the Send tab, cut the phrase from your choice of vinyl color.Copy and paste the “happily ever after” phrase onto a new page.The rectangle but not the letters should remain on the backing. Weed the stencil vinyl’s outer edge and inner letter pieces from the cutout of the last name.Tip: Use the Vinyl (glossy or matte) settings in the Send panel for stencil vinyl. Go to the Send tab and cut the name and outer rectangle from stencil vinyl.Tip: Make sure your vinyl size and cutting mat in the Page Setup panel match what you’ll actually be using, whether you’re using a mat or not. Rotate the design horizontally so that it will fit on a 9-inch wide piece of stencil vinyl.Make a copy of the original rectangle (10 x 8 in.) and the last name, and paste it onto a new document for cutting so that you can leave your original design in place for reference.This completed design is your guide to applying the vinyl saying after etching.Tip: Remember to keep the design within the temporary rectangle you’re using as a guide. Weld the phrase so any overlapping script will not cut into overlapping areas.
To see how to work with premium fonts and glyphs, watch the Silhouette video here. Tip: I included a few fancy flourishes from the glyphs available in this premium Amastery Script font. Choose an elegant font like Amastery Script, resize the text, and center it horizontally just below the last name.

Tip: The design should fit completely within the opening of the frame, plus a small border.

This design simply uses text, so choose two fonts you like that complement each other. 8 x 10 photo frame with glass removed and cleaned.Applicator for etching cream (such as a foam brush).Colored vinyl – glossy or matte (I used matte silver).(Warning: this gift may evoke tears or happy exclamations from the bride.) Supplies/Tools Needed: In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a design and etch the glass to make a customized frame like this on your own. Personalized gifts are the best, so this etched-glass wedding frame has become my go-to gift for newlyweds. Wedding season is upon us, and I love making handmade gifts with the help of my Silhouette machine.